Controlling The Spider Population In Your Home

by Grace Motley

Fall is a popular time for insects and other critters to find a warm space to invade. If you've noticed that you have an overabundance of spiders appearing inside your home, it may be time to call a pest control specialist. Spiders can quickly invade your home and multiple rapidly. While common household spiders are found from time to time in almost every home, there are some telltale signs that you may have a bigger problem. Here are some signs to look for that may indicate your home is becoming infested with spiders and what you should do to control the problem.


Obviously the first sign you may have an issue with spiders is that you visibly see one on the wall or ceiling. Sometimes they scurry across the floor unnoticed. You may also notice spider webs or cobwebs that have infiltrated along the wall edges or crevices throughout your home.

The American house spider is one of the most common spiders found inside homes. They are gray to black in appearance and are generally harmless to humans and animals. While they can generally be controlled with a good vacuuming, the population can grow out of control if their webs and egg sacks are not properly disposed of.

Other species of arachnids can also invade the home, but there are some to really look out for. Poisonous types may have these general characteristics:

  • Brown Recluse- One of the most deadly spiders in the U.S. It's venomous and aggressive. It can easily be identified by a small violin mark on its upper body.
  • Black Widow- Another poisonous spider. Generally all black with an identifiable bright red hourglass marking on its lower trunk.
  • Hobo- This brown spider is identified by its chevron-type markings. It isn't deadly with an initial bite but can cause serious adverse health reactions from the venom.
  • Mouse- A spider that packs a very painful bite. The female can grow as big as ½ inch in length. She is typically all black while the male sports a distinct red head.

If you're unsure about what type of spider problem you have, calling a pest control contractor is recommended. 


Make sure that your home is free of cracks and gaps that a tiny spider could get into. This means using foam insulation to make your home airtight. Weather-stripping also helps block off cold air and can thwart insects from getting in freely. If vacuuming and frequent dusting of cobwebs and corners doesn't do the trick, it's time to call a professional pest control specialist.

When To Contact A Professional

If you notice several spiders that keep popping up despite your efforts to keep them at bay, call a pest control specialist right away. If you've noticed that the spiders could be poisonous—don't stay in your home. Finding bite marks on you or your family members should be addressed by a medical professional.

Getting your spider problem under control will help prevent a widespread infestation and keep you and your home safe.
