Prepare Now For Your New Roof And Decide If You Want Upgraded Shingles In A Different Color And Style

by Grace Motley

If you know your roof is old and you can tell by looking that the shingles look worn, it's a good time to consider a roof replacement. An old roof has a harder time standing up to snow, strong winds, and heavy rain. It's a good idea to replace your roof before a season starts that carries a high risk of bad weather. Here are some things to consider when having a new roof put on.

Upgrade Your Roofing

New asphalt shingles tolerate typical storms well, but if you want the best protection, consider upgrading your roof. You can stick with shingle roofing and have better protection when you opt for high-quality shingles. These shingles are thicker and sturdier. They can handle impacts from larger size hail and stronger winds than basic shingles. High-quality shingles have a longer lifespan and warranty, but they also cost more.

Don't Put Off Starting

You can call a roof replacement service and get started on the replacement process any time of year. The roofer may not be able to work in brutally cold weather or when your roof is covered with snow, but roofers install new roofs in the winter, spring, summer, and fall. You don't have to wait for summer weather when roofers are usually busier.

Getting a new roof put on might not be a quick process since you'll need to get a permit, have a roof inspection, order supplies, and schedule the installation date. It might even be a matter of weeks before work starts, so you don't want to delay getting started.

Decide If You Want Any Changes

When you're getting a new roof, it's a good time to decide if you want any changes made. You might want to add more ventilation to the attic by putting a vent on the roof; you might want to have solar panels put on, a skylight put in, or a flat part of your roof transformed into a deck. Let your roofing service know if you have future plans for your roof in case that affects how your new roof is put on.

Think About Appearances

You might be surprised at how a new roof can change the appearance of your home. You might want to change your exterior paint color at the same time and completely change the look of your house. You can buy asphalt shingles in different colors, and you can even buy shingles in different styles. Be sure to look at all of your options when choosing the new shingles for your house. An asphalt roof can last a few decades, so you want a choice you can live with for many years.
