Dealing With Commercial Asbestos And Renovations To Keep Your Business Safe

by Grace Motley

The renovations to your business can do a lot to update the building, as well as make it a safer place. There may also be issues with materials that can be hazardous, such as lead paint or old asbestos materials. There is going to be testing and removal that needs to be done to take care of these problems. The following asbestos information will help you deal with problems for your commercial renovations.

Understanding different types of asbestos — There are different types of asbestos minerals that are used for manufacturing various building materials. Some of the asbestos poses no threat to health, but other asbestos materials should be removed from buildings. These different types of asbestos may be found in building materials that include:

  • Ceilings, floor tiles, and roofing
  • Pipe insulation and mechanical system insulators or seals
  • Cement pipes, sheathing, and spray-on coatings

The type of building materials made from asbestos is important when doing renovations because some materials require removal. Talk to a commercial asbestos removal service about the type of materials in your building and whether they should be removed.

Testing materials to identify asbestos — It is also important to test the materials before you can have them removed. There are many materials that may look similar to asbestos-containing products, which may not require removal. The building materials inside your business are where testing is most important and removal is often required.

Deciding where to remove asbestos — In addition to the asbestos testing, you also need to know where asbestos causes hazards and needs to be removed. Some areas like exterior finishes or insulation for pipes and industrial equipment may not require removal if the asbestos is not disturbed and there is no risk for airborne particles getting into your business. Finishes on the exterior of older buildings with asbestos can sometimes just be covered, rather than having costly removal done. Inside your business, any finishes, insulation, or materials that can cause airborne particles will require asbestos removal to ensure the building is safe.

Controlling asbestos dust before and after removal — Before you have the asbestos removed, dust control and ventilation are important to keep airborne particles out of the building. Plastic barriers and ventilation fans can be used to control dust. When removing some materials, keeping the asbestos moist will help reduce dust hazards. After removal, it is important to cover old materials and ensure the building is well-ventilated.

The right inspection and removal of hazardous materials like asbestos will make your business safer when doing major renovations. If you need help dealing with asbestos during your commercial renovations, contact a commercial asbestos removal service for help.
