Types Of Grasses For Yards

by Grace Motley

Many varieties of lawn grass can be found in the United States. In considering the type of grass best for your lawn, it's vital to understand that the region where you live plays a significant role in which kind will flourish. It will even have an impact on how you lay out your sprinkler system and how much water you need to provide. Choosing the best variety of grass for the region you live in will give you the best chance of having a beautiful lawn that is easy to maintain year-round.

Bermuda Grass

A versatile grass variety often chosen for parks and sports fields, Bermuda grows extremely well in different soil types and in warm climates with relatively dry weather. For this reason, Bermuda grass is a great choice for lawns in the Southern regions.

Zoysia Grass

Originally found in many parts of Asia including China, Zoysia grass is now fairly common in America, having been imported in the early nineteen hundreds. Zoysia grass is considered a "transitional grass" due to its ability to thrive in most climates (except in colder regions). However, keep in mind that whatever region Zoysai grass is planted in, proper soil drainage is required for it to grow.

Red Fescue

If you're looking for a variety of grass that offers low-maintenance care, then you should consider Red Fescue. This is especially true if you're not big on mowing the lawn but still want your lawn to be attractive. While Red Fescue does not grow well in hot climates, it does quite well in shady, cool areas and would therefore be appropriate to plant in mountain areas.

St. Augustine

If you live in a hot, humid region like a coastal area in the South, a variety of grass you may want to consider is St. Augustine. While St Augustine isn't the easiest grass to maintain for your yard, it does grow well in this type of climate, requiring an abundance of sunlight and (preferably) little or no shade. Native to Africa, the Mediterranean and the Caribbean, St. Augustine will not grow in colder climates.


Another variety of grass that is difficult to maintain and one you will probably want to steer clear of most of the time is the perennial Pampas. Pampas can reach over twelve feet in the summer, thriving in sunny, dry weather. Originating from South America, this grass will overtake any other plants growing in the area. Additionally, the sharp edges of this grass are also not particularly friendly to passersby, occasionally causing a scratch to anyone wandering too close. On the other hand, it would work well along walls to discourage intruders.

Whatever type of grass you decide on, you will need to work with a contractor, such as Turfbuilders Irrigation Inc, to develop an appropriate irrigation system.
