Weak Air Conditioning Flow Troubleshooting

by Grace Motley

A very faint delivery of air from the air conditioning can be an uncomfortable tease when the weather is extremely hot or cold. With a few troubleshooting concepts in mind, you can isolate the airflow problem and look for on-site repairs, parts replacement or at least know what to expect when an air conditioning repair contractor like A2Z Heating and Plumbing needs to visit.

Inspect The Blower Fan Unit

The air conditioning unit requires a steady flow of air in order to distribute its temperature changes throughout a building. Without the right system, air will simply disperse randomly at the unit if there isn't a focused air direction. The blower fan is part of that system.

Blower fans can be damaged in a few specific ways. The fan's spinning axis could be covered in clogging debris, which can stop the fan from turning fast enough or at all. The motor could also be burned out because of any number of reasons, including debris that makes turning the fan difficult

Consult your air conditioning unit's owner's manual and look for an easy way to access the blower fan. In many models, the fan is easily located by removing the major protective covers. Before performing any maintenance or troubleshooting, be sure to turn off the unit's power at the circuit breaker. If the blower fan suddenly starts working, there's a risk of bodily injury or death if the fan blades spin during troubleshooting.

With the blower fan exposed, inspect its spinning axis for any caked on mud or other debris. If necessary, apply lubricating or penetrating oil such as machine oil to the axis. The oil can gradually loosen debris and allow the fan to spin freely. Before turning the air conditioning back on for testing, make sure than every near the fan is at least five feet away and not actively working inside the unit.

Electrical Problems Can Slow Down Airflow

Electrical issues can cause the blower fan or the entire air conditioning unit to turn on and off repeatedly. Intermittent power results in a lower air pressure since the constantly changing fan speeds may not push air into the building effectively.

Consult your air conditioner's manual for the fuse location, as a blown fuse may indicate a deeper electrical problem. If you notice any burned or frayed wires, take note of any color codes to make wire replacement easier.

If you need to replace the fuses, take the blow fuse to your local hardware store to find an accurate replacement. Using a smartphone or mobile device can help you identify the broken device easier with a good quality image, as well as understanding the other fuses in the system. If you need help getting the right parts or would like a professional's assistance, contact an air conditioning repair professional.
